The Queanbeyan Age

When human contact makes all the difference

Transparency: Product review sites can tell you which companies are transparent about their customer service statistics to help you make an informed decision about which Telco provider to use.
Transparency: Product review sites can tell you which companies are transparent about their customer service statistics to help you make an informed decision about which Telco provider to use.

This is advertiser content for Pennytel.

TODAY’S modern market place with its myriad of choices encourages competition which in turn has created a more discerning consumer who won’t hesitate to switch services if a company doesn’t live up to their expectations.

In the world of Telco, we are no longer stuck forever with the same mobile provider, so if we are dissatisfied with any part of their service we are free to move on.

With so many mobile providers in the market striving to get our attention, and business, it is vital to understand what they offer as well as what you need.

What is important to you when choosing a mobile provider? Great value?  Simple to understand plans?  Add-ons or subscriptions?

Or is it something even more fundamental like great customer service?

When customer service is good we barely notice it and life goes on, but when it is bad it can really ruin our day.

So what is good customer service? Good customer service should work for you.

It should include, accountability, friendliness and optimism. Interactions should embody authenticity, trust, respect, and most importantly, good communication.

An organisation that cares about customer service will develop values from the customer’s perspective which in turn drives customer loyalty.

When human contact makes all the difference
When human contact makes all the difference

Human touch is key

One of most often heard complaints of people to modern customer service is the prevalence of chatbots and not being able to get to a real person to speak with.

Mobile provider Pennytel is a company that prides itself on a customer service team of real people providing patient, clear and simple jargon free instructions and information to help resolve issues in the first interaction. In fact they actively encourage customers to ring them by openly displaying their call centre number onsite.

While their customer service values might seem to be counter-intuitive in today’s high-paced world, many people still appreciate good old fashion customer service where responses are catered to fit the query.

Recent studies have shown that the Telco industry is regularly in need of improving their customer service experience, but Pennytel has bucked this trend with the way they provide customer service.

Jump on a product review site, now used by many individuals, to get the truth from other consumers and gain insights into a company so you know which to avoid.

Read the product reviews and look out for any customer recommendations and comments to gauge what a company is like and if they might be right for you.

And after all that if you are still unsure of which mobile provider to sign-up with, why not put Pennytel’s service to the test. Call on 1300 262 146.

 This is advertiser content for Pennytel